Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • Considering grad school in PSYCH or related areas?

    Are you a student from an underrepresented background who is considering applying to a PhD program in Psychological Sciences, Cognitive Science, Neurosciences (including Cognitive, Animal and Human) or a related area (e.g., Linguistics or Speech and Hearing Sciences)?

    Would you like to connect with friendly faculty members or graduate students who can give you one-on-one advice and mentorship on topics like: choosing a grad program, preparing your applications, your resume, etc.?

    Then please fill out this short web form  to participate in the MAGIC (Mentoring Aspiring Graduate students and building an Inclusive Community) program. You'll have the opportunity to have one-on-one video chats with UConn faculty, post-docs and grad students who want to mentor underrepresented aspiring doctoral students.

    You'll also be invited to an online orientation session about how to sign up for your video chats and how to get the most out of them. The orientation session will also provide you with general information about applying to PhD programs in Psychology/ Cognitive Science/ related areas.

    Members of any underrepresented or marginalized group (including people with disabilities and first-generation college students) are invited to participate. 

    Organized by members of the UConn SLAC and Neurobiology of Language communities and with financial support from the President’s Commitment to Community initiative

    For more information, contact: Eiling Yee at