
  • Humanities Undergraduate Research Symposium

    Apply to UConn's first annual Humanities Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    Have you written an excellent humanities-related paper for a course that you wish had wider recognition? Have you had an idea that excites you but hasn’t yet been fully explored? Would you like to gain experience in dialogue and presentation or a valuable asset to your resume? Most importantly, are you interested in increasing your understanding of the major problems and questions you encounter in the world today? If so, apply to present your 5-15 page-long humanities research paper at the Humanities Undergraduate Research Symposium. More information can be found on our website.

    Applications open on August 1, 2021 and close on September 10, 2021; the symposium is on November 12, 2021. Students with papers in progress are strongly encouraged to apply.

    For more information, contact: Aarushi Nohria at