On Campus Job Opportunities

  • Daily Campus Photo Producer Position Available

    Photo Producer positions available


    3 open positions


    Roughly 4 hours a week



    The Daily Campus is looking to hire new photo producers for the fall semester! Photo producers search The Daily Campus photo archives and choose appropriate photos to correspond with stories in the newspaper and online publications. They also edit chosen photos to fit the dimensions that designers request.


    No experience is necessary! We are looking for applicants who:

    • Have general photography editing/composition/design knowledge

    • May have some familiarity with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge, but not required

    • Are flexible — stories and photos may come in late, technology may break, and photos may need to be altered last minute

    • Have good communication skills and can work on a team

    • Can work in a loud environment and still be able to focus on the project at hand

    • Are quick and willing learners

    • Most importantly, we want photo producers who are invested in the job, and hope to gain some kind of personal development out of the position


    Photo producers work one night a week (Sun - Thurs) from 8 p.m. until roughly midnight.


    Beginning photo producers are also required to attend a training session before classes begin in the fall. 


    TO APPLY, email managingeditor@dailycampus.com and photo@dailycampus.comwith a cover letter explaining what you hope to gain from the job and why you think you’re qualified, your unofficial transcript, and a resume. Applications should be submitted by August 6. 


    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to managingeditor@dailycampus.com

    For more information, contact: Brandon Barzola at managingeditor@dailycampus.com