Student Organization Events & Information

  • 9/26 Speak at TEDxUConnSalon: Courage to Persist

    Calling all UConn Students!


    We would like to invite you to apply to speak at TEDxUConn’s Fall 2021 Salon Conference: Courage to Persist. The tentative date is Sunday, September 26th 2021. and. Every year our conferences are structured around a theme, and our theme for this event is Courage to Persist.


    Failure in our society is all too common. However, if failure is so prevalent, what encourages people to try again – to start a new business, to rebuild and re-launch a rocket, or to draft a new book – and succeed? Particularly during this time, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have lost hope and motivation as we become more and more uncertain about the future. What can we do, what stories can we tell, what lessons can we teach to inspire others to have the Courage to Persist? 


    The TEDxUConn organization is currently accepting applications from those who are interested in speaking in our Fall 2021 salon conference. Please fill out the application below and remember that the power of TED talks are rooted in their accessibility and relatability, so consider how your idea appeals to a global audience!


    Student application: 


    In addition to the application link above, please submit a 2 minute video giving a broad outline on the topic of your talk. The application and video submission deadline is Wednesday, June 16th @ 11:59pm. We will invite you to audition via Google Meet or Zoom after all applications are received.


    ***Video submissions are to be sent via email to***


    If you would like to nominate a name, we encourage you to forward this information to them! 

    For more information, contact: TedxUConn at