Special Events

  • 4/23 Neurodiversity Spring Discussion Series

    Hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Please join us for the last installment of our Spring Neurodiversity Discussion Series, Autism: College on Spectrum. The discussion will feature student, staff, and faculty panelists from across the UConn community: Aaron Picking (UConn student, INCLUDE Advisory Board Member), Christine Wenzel (Associate Director, CSD), and Nicholas Gelbar (Associate Research Professor). Shawn Smith, founder and CEO of Don’t dis-my-ability, and member of the INCLUDE Advisory Board, will also join the panel.

    This series is open to the UConn community. Space for each session is limited to 50. Please pre-register using the form below to reserve your place.

    Please click here to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0lGdY_aHKAtSjwdvgA9ZVY0QEon2JHNdR4hXPgoqArC9eiA/viewform

    Session 3: Autism: College on the Spectrum
    Date: April 23, 2021
    Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    Location: This event will be conducted online via Webex. Links will be supplied to all participants prior to the event.

    Connie Syharat
    INCLUDE Project Manager
    Civil & Environmental Engineering

    A flyer for the event can be found on our website: https://cee.engr.uconn.edu/neurodiversity-spring-discussion-series-register-now.html

    For more information, contact: Connie at Syharat