
  • Depression App Study Now Enrolling

    Participants Needed in Personalized Depression Treatment Study Using Smartphone Technology

    Dr. Jayesh Kamath (psychiatry) and Dr. Bing Wang (Computer Science and Engineering), and their colleagues are conducting a research study called "Personalized Depression Treatment Supported by Mobile Sensor Analytics".

    Please help us advance personalized depression treatment: We are seeking participants for a study designed to develop an innovative system to assess and predict depression treatment response in order to assist clinical decision making for patients with depression.

    This collaborative research project is specifically designed to use sensory data, collected using smartphones and wristbands, along with participant self-assessments to predict treatment outcome with the use of machine learning tools.

    A smartphone app will be installed on participants’ smartphones (participants without smartphones may be provided one for the duration of the study) and a FitBit will be provided. The software will collect sensor and usage data from the phone, which will be securely uploaded to a remote server (with the user’s permission). The FitBit will collect participants’ activity, sleep, and heart rate data. Users will also be asked to regularly complete brief questionnaires. Participants may not receive any direct health benefits from their study participation. 

    Eligibility: English speaking, aged 18 years or older, currently starting a new medication treatment for moderate depression symptoms.

    Study participation will last approximately 12 weeks. Participants will receive $15 for every two weeks of participation (a total of $90 for full 12 week participation). 

    If interested, please contact or 860-679-7539.

    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H19-078.

    For more information, contact: Galina Prpich at prpic