Student Organization Events & Information

  • 3/29 IBA Guest Speaker: Claudia Epure from L'Oreal

    Join the international Business Association on Monday, March 29 at 6 PM  for another guest speaker event.

    Our guests will be Claudia Epure from L'Oréal. Claudia is currently the Director of Business Development at L'Oréal for one of their largest hair care brands, Redken. She is a marketing and sales professional with over 15 years of experience in various consumer product companies including L'Oréal where she has been the last 10 years. Claudia has held various management roles in marketing, account management, and holds an MBA in marketing from UCONN's School of Business. 

    She will be joining us to discuss her experience, background, journey to working out L'Oréal, and answering student questions!

    Join Zoom meeting here.

    Meeting ID: 884 0362 2448
    Passcode: s8pbkv


    For more information, contact: International Business Association at