
  • 3/16 Google Analytics Coffee Chat with Ian Camera

    OPIM Innovate presents -

    The Google Analytics Coffee Chat ( 7 - 8PM) will presented by Dave Morrel, a Senior Web Analyst for LogMeIn.  A coffee chat is a moderated conversation between a business tech professional and about 12 students who can ask any questions about career experience. 

    Dave has a BS in Management Information Systems from UConn! ('15) and a MS in Strategic Analytics from Brandeis. He currently works as a Senior Web Analyst for LogMeIn, a company that makes remote-work & remote-access software like GoToMeeting & LastPass. He helps optimize the company's web properties, like 

    Register here to secure your spot and check out the other upcoming events that are part of our Coffee Chat Series. 


    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at