Operation Good Neighbor - A Story of the Grassroots Movement of Medical and Humanitarian Cooperation Between Two Countries in Conflict.
Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) Eyal Dror began Operation Good Neighbor, a humanitarian project that provided treatment to sick and injured Syrians, built hospitals and trained doctors near the border and evacuated civilians from bombings during the Syrian Civil War.
Join us to hear his story of leadership and hope unimaginable pressure
Here is the Zoom link! https://hillel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkduyspj4jGdUC0gmQsKsIQpAE4z3dxjca?_x_zm_rtaid=9COgzLcOQmKx6uVQQGty1A.1614924328111.08347998c6dd72db672e5a3a46722ad0&_x_zm_rhtaid=882
For more information, contact: Gianna Michaelson at gianna.michaelson@uconn.edu