Campus Information

  • Extension Impacts - 2020

    Our educators faced the unprecedented challenges of 2020 and pivoted programs to offer life transformative education despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Programming moved to virtual environments through online certificate programs, virtual field days, podcasts, WebEx meetings, and YouTube videos. Our educators created and released 318 new videos on YouTube in 2020. These videos reached 305,200 people and had 39,501 viewers that watched 1,200 hours of Extension instruction.

    Programs delivered by Extension reach individuals, communities, and businesses in each of the 169 municipalities across the state (see map on last page). The By the Numbers 2020 highlights some of our key impacts from these initiatives.

    Extension has over 100 years of experience strengthening communities in Connecticut and beyond. Extension programs cover the full spectrum of topics aligned with CAHNR’s strategic initiatives:

    • Ensuring a vibrant and sustainable agricultural industry and food supply
    • Enhancing health and well-being locally, nationally, and globally
    • Advancing adaptation and resilience in a changing climate
    • Designing sustainable landscapes across urban-rural interfaces

    View the 2020 Extension Impacts.

    For more information, contact: Stacey Stearns at