Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • 2/28 Leadership in Diversity: Call for Proposals

    Leadership in Diversity would like to invite you to our Sixth Annual Multicultural Education and Culturally Responsive Teaching Conference on March 20th, 2021.

    Our theme this year, Rewriting the Blueprint: Building a Community of Care, is based on our desire to operate outside of the traditional foundations of pedagogy to create curricula and classroom environments that can reach both the hearts and minds of all students. With the changing environment in education and the shift to hybrid/virtual classroom spaces we want to focus in on the purpose and function of the communities we serve/are a part of. The main goal of this conference is to provide applicable ways to build communities of care and provide clear strategies for educators and professionals in the field to rewrite their own blueprints.

    This is a conference for professionals in the education field, current students in teacher prep programs and those interested in the field of education. The conference will open with remarks from our keynote speaker (who will be released in the coming weeks, follow our social media to be the first to know!) and attendees will have the opportunity to attend breakout sessions on a variety of topics related to multicultural education and culturally responsive teaching. 

    More information about the conference and how to register is below. This conference will be hosted virtually, and we are excited to add the new option of “pre-recorded” presentations. We ask that you share this information with those who might be interested, as this is a great opportunity for personal growth and professional development!

    If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please fill out this form: by February 28th

    Register for free here:

    For more information, contact: Leadership in Diversity at phone/