Student Organization Events & Information

  • 3/1 Virtually Fall into Service with CKI

    Do you love to serve your community? Do you want to discover your leadership potential? 


    Join UConn Circle K International at our general body meetings every other Monday at 6pm. Come and find out about how we are serving our community virtually! 

     Come and find out about how we are serving our community virtually! Currently, we are working on a face mask competition in which all proceeds go towards March of Dimes, which provides care to newborns and mothers. If you would like to participate then, please join us on Uconntact or email us so we can send you information to get involved and the form to submit which is due March 1st. 

    Reach out to us at to be part of our upcoming meeting - March 1st, 2021 at 6pm!

    Live to serve. Love to serve.  

    For more information, contact: Payal Patel at