Arts and Entertainment

  • 2/18 Artist in Conversation: Sade Abiodun


    Artist in Conversation: Sade Abiodun

    6:00pm – 7:45pm

    Event Registration


    Sade Abiodun is a budding neuroscientist by day and aspiring filmmaker also by day. She graduated from Duke University with a degree in Neuroscience, finding her passion for filmmaking later in her path. Her first short film — Godspeed — has received high praise, garnering multiple festival selections and awards, a spotlight feature in Free The Work, and a finalist spot in the 2020 Sundance Ignite Short Film Challenge. She is currently in her first year of her Ph.D. at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute and hopes to focus her research on neurocinematics – the neuroscience of film. She hopes to bridge the gap between the worlds of film and science, specifically through the study and practice of creating intentional, narrative-driven visual experiences.


    Event Description: Sade Abiodun in conversation with Arien Wilkerson will discuss the intersection between science, art, and identity. Particularly, this conversation will draw focus on blackness as mediated through visual culture, and its subsequent impact on our perception of these representations. The conversation will feature some of Sade’s own work as a filmmaker as well as a discussion of her published academic pieces tackling race and racism in the field of Neuroscience. Attendees will engage with academic and artistic thought in concert with one another, highlighting identity as one of the central themes of informed practice.

    For more information, contact: Luke Seward at