Special Events

  • 2/10 The Jew as Queer: An Intersectional Approach

    Featuring Marla Brettschneider (University of New Hampshire)

    In this talk, we will explore Jewish queer theory through the co-constructed frames of race, gender, sexuality, and class. Scholars in the field of Jewish queer studies have been examining this subject for decades. Recently scholars in related fields have begun to do this kind of queered analysis, for example, of Latinx populations and immigrants in the US, refugees and asylum-seekers, indigenous populations, Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians. These studies also crosscut with queered analyses of the historically constructed category of “terrorists” which has great import for Jewish studies today. However, these blossoming subfields do not fully take into account Jewish examinations of similar dynamics. This contemporary Jewish studies talk on The Jew as Queer will bring together these innovative interdisciplinary studies to widen the scope of diverse critical theories as well as Jewish, and even Jewish queer, studies. The talk is designed to enable UConn students, faculty, and community members to bring their interdisciplinary work into a Jewish studies frame as it will support these constituencies in bringing a Jewish lens into their studies in an array of related fields across campus.



    For more information, contact: Avinoam Patt at avinoam.patt@uconn.edu