Volunteer Opportunities

  • Creativity Needed

    Hello! Engineering Ambassadors is a student volunteer organization that, in the past, has visited schools grades K-12 with presentations and demonstrations to raise awareness of opportunities in STEM. Due to Covid, we have been transitioning to creating a YouTube channel, and we have created a theme song for the video introductions, like educational YouTube channels such as Crash Course, and we are looking for an animation close to 17 seconds to play over our theme song. We are looking for submissions from our peers, and you do not have to be an engineering major, or even a STEM major, to submit your ideas. As this is a volunteer organization, you will only receive recognition for your ideas. Please email UConnEA.PresentationTeam@gmail.com or DM Eric Moore#6126 on Discord if you are interested. We greatlly appreciate any ideas you have!

    For more information, contact: UConn EA Presentation Team at UConnEA.PresentationTeam@gmail.com