Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • 2/9 Career Development: PhD to Precision Therapeutics

    The Academia-Industry Opportunities Group (AIOG) is hosting their next event: From PhD to Precision Therapeutics on Tuesday, February 9th at 3:30pm. AIOG is hosting Dr. Clifford Woolf, co-founder of QurAlis and Nocion Therapeutics. Registration is free and open to all who are interested in learning about careers in therapeutic design, neuroscience, or career development in general. Please use this link to register.



    Clifford J. Woolf, MB, BCh, PhD, was born and educated in South Africa, became a Neurobiology Professor at University College London, then the Richard J. Kitz Professor of Anesthesiology Research, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Presently, he is the F. M. Kirby Neurobiology Center Director, Boston Children’s Hospital, and a Neurology/Neurobiology Professor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Woolf’s many honors and prizes include membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Doctoris Honoris Causa (University of Lausanne, Switzerland), a Gill Distinguished Scientist Award and the Reeve-Irvine Medal. He works on adaptive and maladaptive plasticity of the nervous system.

    To learn more about AIOG, visit their website at

    For more information, contact: Robert Pijewski at