Volunteer Opportunities

  • Alternative Break on HIV/AIDS Awareness to NYC

    Are you interested in learning more about HIV/AIDS?

    Do you have a passion for serving in different communities?

    Apply for Community Outreach's Alternative Break to NYC focusing on HIV/AIDS awareness!


    What: Alternative Break focusing on HIV/AIDS awareness

    Who: UConn students

    Where: NYC

    When: April 11th-April 13th

    Cost: $60 (if eligible USG will fund 50%)


    Visit: http://www.studentactivities.uconn.edu/co_alt_breaks_signup.html to apply.

    Applications are due by February 19th by 12pm!


    "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not." -Dr. Seuss

    For more information, contact: Savannah Garrison at uconn.co.nyspring@gmail.com