Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/18 Spill the Tea with CLAS SLB

    The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Leadership Board (SLB) is holding virtual office hours with peers! The CLAS SLB Office Hours provide an opportunity for students at UConn to speak with a fellow CLAS peers. As a lision to the Dean's office, the purpose of these office hours is to provide a space for CLAS students to voice their opinions and discuss topics such as, but not limited to:

    • Adjusting to online classes
    • Fostering community with your fellow CLAS peers
    • Student academic resources
    • CLAS events
    • and much more!
    For a link to meet with your peers, please contact either the student liaison Le'Asia le' or graduate assistant, Darlene Rodriguez at ( 
    For more information, contact: Le'Asia Gaskin at le'