Student Organization Events & Information

  • 10/26 Psychology Club Meeting

    UConn's Psychology Club is dedicated to bringing together students who have a shared love of psychology! It provides an opportunity to learn more about the people around us and the world we live in. The club has various events and meetings, some of which include peer advising for classes, guest speakers to help with career paths, and relaxation/study time before finals. We meet online, every other Monday at 7pm of the Fall 2020 Semester. 

    Join us at our next meeting which will be our Guest Speaker Night! We will be hearing from Dr. Jeffery Burke and graduate students Ragan Decker (Industrial Organizational Psychology) and Pamela Colón Grigas (Clincial Psychology)!

    Meeting ID: 991 3962 6820
    Passcode: Psych2020
    For more information, contact: Psychology Club's Eboard at