
  • KSI Enrolling Participants in Concussion Study

    A paid research study is being conducted by the Korey Stringer Institute at the University of Connecticut to investigate the accuracy of a state-of-the art headset device developed by the study’s Sponsor (BrainScope®) who hopes the device may aid medical/health professionals in future concussion diagnoses. We are seeking participants who are 13-50 years old, both from athletic and non-athletic backgrounds. Participants are able to volunteer for data collection within one of four groups:

    • Concussed (concussion diagnosed by medical professional)
    • Healthy Match for Concussed (demographically similar to subject within Concussed group)
    • Non-concussed Head Injured (does not receive concussion diagnosis by medical professional allowing them to immediately return to activity)
    • Healthy Volunteer (recruitng participants who are between the ages of 30-50 years old at this time; providing normative values for device algorithm)

    Data collection will consist of:

    • Electroencephalogram measurement (EEG waves)
    • Neurocognitive assessment via games supported by handheld technology
    • Standardized concussion assessment (symptomology, balance, memory/recall, orientation, and/or executive function)
    • Measurement of eye function via tracking device

    Participants will be expected to complete 2-4 hours of data collection over 1-2 days of visits depending on the group of assignment. This study was approved by UConn IRB, Protocol #H19-184 under the advisement of PI Dr. Douglas Casa. 

    For more information, contact: Jeb Struder at