Volunteer Opportunities

  • Virtual Writing Tutors Needed


    Interested in equal access to education?


    Second Chance Educational Alliance is looking for volunteers to begin virtual tutoring Monday, October 26!


    We are looking for strong writers to volunteer as tutors on Mondays for Introduction to Sociology and English Literature and Composition courses. You do not have to be either of these majors to volunteer. Tutors will be working with Project AIM which includes incarcerated students and the staff cohort. Volunteers will be working with the staff cohort for the fall semester with the potential for working with both populations in the spring. The goal of this program is to increase support for Higher education in prison. Tutoring sessions will be held by appointment with 6 students, all first-generation college students ranging from ages 19-49. 


    If you are interested in this program fill out the application provided. This is a quick turnaround for starting the program so fill out the application as soon as possible.


    Here is the link to their website which provides more information about their mission: https://scea-inc.org/about/ 

    For more information, contact: Emily Burnett at uconn.co.correctional@gmail.com