Cultural Center Events

  • A Statement from the AACC & ODI

    Dear UConn Students, Faculty and Staff:

    We are living in perilous times!  Every aspect of our lives is being ravaged by the dual threats of racialized violence and the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a university community, we are committed to creating campus environments that enhance, enrich and elevate the rich tapestry of diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our beloved UConn community.

    We abhor discrimination, bigotry, prejudice and acts of racialized violence and will not condone or tolerate acts that desecrate and disrespect any segment of our community.

    As we long for peace, justice and healing, we mourn for Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Armadou Diallo, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Atatiana Jefferson, Trayvon Martin, Stephon Clark, Alton Sterling, Philandro Castile, Sandra Bland, Jacob Blake and many others.  May they rest in peace!

    The Office of Diversity and Inclusion in partnership with the H. Fred Simons African American Cultural Center and the many University schools, departments, Centers and Institute will continue to advocate for a beloved University community committed to Justice, Peace and Action.

    In closing, may love fulfill you, may peace enfold you and may hope envelope you.

    In Solidarity,

    Office of Diversity and Inclusion

    Dr. Frank Tuitt-Chief Diversity Officer

    Dr. Willena Kimpson Price-Director African American Cultural Center/Affiliate Faculty African Studies Institute


    African American Cultural Center

    University of Connecticut

    For more information, contact: Pauline Batista at