Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 9/29 Goal Setting Workshop For Students

    Leadership & Organizational Development is excited to introduce Let's Talk Leadership, a new open enrollment workshop program! We offer interactive, hour-long, weekly workshops to aid in your leadership development.

    Upcoming Workshop: Setting Goals: The SMART Way; Tuesday, 9/29 at 5pm EDT via Zoom

    In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to use the SMART goals framework as a tool to set and meet their goals. Using the framework, each attendee will reflect and leave the session with three concrete goals for the semester or year.

    Register here: (make sure you are signed in!)


    Visit our UConntact page to see our schedule and register for one of our upcoming workshops. Topics this semester include effective facilitation in a virtual environment, inclusive language, time management, and more!

    For more information, contact: Leadership Office at