Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer for Local Elderly Population

    Generations Connect is a Community Outreach, semester-long program that allows UConn students to volunteer at Mansfield Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation. Volunteers support residents through arts & crafts, brain games, and celebrations that aim to both develop meaningful relationships and improve the quality of life for older adults. This fall, Generations Connect will be modifying our volunteering program to focus on virtual and distanced service activities including handmade and virtual cards, care packages, virtual reading sessions, and puzzles and games. 

    Participant Expectations Include

    - A weekly commitment of 2 hours in order to fulfill a service activity

    - Attendance in orientation, mid-semester, and end of semester meetings

    If you are interested to learn more, please join us at the Involvement Fair on Thursday, September 10, from 4pm to 6pm. If you would like to apply to become a participant of Generations Connect, you may fill out the application here: https://forms.gle/HK88DHk1wsRDqCmr7



    For more information, contact: James Galske at uconn.co.genconnect@gmail.com