
  • Participants Needed: Paid Study of Speech & Music

    Volunteers Wanted for a Research Study of Musical Experience and Language


    The Impact of Musical Experience on Learning of Non-native Speech Sounds


    Volunteers are needed to participate in a research study investigating how long-term musical training impacts one’s ability to learn new speech sounds. Participants will need to take a few short language and music tests and listen to speech sounds and identify and discriminate between them. Both musicians and non-musicians are needed and encouraged to participate.


    The study will take place either remotely or in the lab and will be completed in one or two sessions lasting between 1 and 2 hours.


    Participants will receive $11 per hour for participation in this study.


    Requirements: If interested in participating, you must:

    (1)  Be between 18 and 45 years of age

    (2)  Be a native speaker of American English

    (3)  Have no hearing impairments

    (4)  Have no history of neurological impairment


    If interested, please contact and include “Music Study” in the subject line.


    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Emily Myers, Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences and Psychology.


    UConn IRB Protocol H19-005 Approved July 9, 2020

    For more information, contact: Language and Brain Lab at