Student Organization Events & Information

  • 10/18 Speak at TEDxUConn 2020

    Calling all UConn Students!


    UConn’s 7th annual TEDx conference will be held October 18th, 2020, and we would like to invite you to apply to speak. Every year our conferences are structured around a theme, and our theme this year is Patchwork.


    How can one build up to something bigger than the individual and contribute to the whole? Each piece is unique and necessary, and each stitch is a connection. 


    The TEDxUConn organization is currently accepting applications from those who are interested in speaking in our social distanced Fall 2020 conference. Please fill out the application below and remember that the power of TED talks are rooted in their accessibility and relatability, so consider how your idea appeals to a global audience!


    Student application: 


    In addition to the application link above, please submit a 2 minute video giving a broad outline on the topic of your talk. The application and video submission deadline is August 31 by 11:59 p.m. We will invite you to audition via Google Meet or Zoom on a rolling basis. 


    ***Video submissions are to be sent via email to***


    If you would like to nominate a name, we encourage you to forward this information to them!


    For information regarding the basics of the application process, student speaker expectations, and further steps in the preparation for the conference in October, view this presentation here:



    We currently plan to have our conference outdoors or live-streamed indoors with no live audience to maintain social distancing.

    For more information, contact: TEDxUConn at