School, Program, and Course Information

  • Get on the FastTrack to an MPH degree

    The UConn Master of Public Health (MPH) program offers a FastTrack (4+1 BA/BS+MPH) option for qualified students, allowing them to complete their bachelor’s degrees in any UConn-approved discipline along with the MPH degree within 5 years of their initial enrollment as undergraduates.  If you have a strong interest in working in the growing field of public health on such topics as health promotion, epidemiology of infectious or chronic diseases, environmental health, or biostatistics, the FastTrack to the MPH could be a great match for you!  FastTrack students complete 15-18 credits toward their MPH while still undergraduates! After completing a BA or BS degree, you can enroll in the UConn Graduate School and complete remaining MPH requirements with other MPH candidates on UConn’s Farmington campus. 

    Fid out more about the program by searching: FastTrack BA/BS-MPH Program for Undergraduates

    To be considered, you must submit a brief application with a personal statement summarizing your career plans and what has influenced your decision, your experiences to date with public health and community service, honors/awards/ recognitions for work completed in public health or community service and a self- assessment of your academic and interpersonal strengths and weaknesses.

    For more information, contact: Barbara Case at