On Saturday, April 20th from 10am-1pm, UConn Sigma Theta Alpha will be hosting the 1st UConn Great Strides Walk to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis in conjunciton with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The event is being held to raise money and awareness for cystic fibrosis, a rare lung disease which has no known cure at this point. To sign up a team or an individual walker, visit http://www.cff.org/great_strides/ and search for the UConn event. A minimum donation of $5 will be collected either online or the day of the walk. The walk will begin at Fairfield Way, outside of the Student Union (across from Gampel).
There will also be an informational presentation about cystic fibrosis and Great Strides at 10:00 a.m. in the Class of '47 Room before the event.
Attendance counts as an Honors Event!!!
For more information, contact: Sigma Theta Alpha at uconnsigmathetaalpha@uconn.edu