Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • National Preparedness Month: Don't Wait-Plan Today

    September is National Preparedness Month! This is a national preparedness effort sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The theme this year is “Don’t Wait. Communicate.” This week, UConn’s Office of Emergency Management would like to share FEMA’s week two tip: prepare with family and friends. We recommend that you take time before a disaster occurs with friends and family to:

    • Determine how you will contact each other before, during and after an emergency.
    • Make a family emergency communication plan.
    • Consider that you may not be together during a disaster and make a plan of how you will reunite after an emergency.
    • Prepare for the unique needs of your family members, friends and neighbors.

    The Office of Emergency Management encourages the UConn community to take some time and navigate the resources and preparedness tips on the website. This week’s FEMA public service announcement is available on YouTube here:

    The Office of Emergency Management appreciates any feedback the community has to offer.

    For more information, contact: the Office of Emergency Management at 860-486-5174 or