Announcing a new, comprehensive advising tool for students and advisors
This site serves as a portal to advising resources available across the University and focuses on such matters as:
Advisor/Advisee relationship -- connecting students with advisors
School/College and Regional campus advising centers
Academic support -- tutoring, major exploration, and more
Registration -- tips and tools
Support for student life -- health services, cultural centers, and other services
Academic opportunities -- education abroad, learning communities, research, scholarships, and more
Leadership and service -- community outreach, leadership programs, and more
Professional development -- graduate school and career resources
This site was developed under the auspices of the University Advising Council, a body with representatives from the School/College advising centers, the regional campuses and other key offices across the University.
We welcome your feedback regarding the site. Please e-mail:
For more information, contact: Monica van Beusekom at