Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 3/11 Museum Activity: Viewing The Winter Milky Way

    The Connecticut State Museum of Natural History, part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UConn, will hold an astronomy workshop on Friday, March 11 at 7 pm. The workshop “Look Up! Viewing The Winter Milky Way” will be presented by Dr. Cynthia Peterson from the University of Connecticut’s Physics Department.

    Explore winter’s night sky during this visit to UConn’s historic planetarium. Learn how to identify the stars, planets, and other celestial objects observable throughout the season. Astronomy Professor Dr. Cynthia Peterson will offer a general orientation to the constellations, planets, and special celestial objects visible in the night sky using binoculars following a brief discussion of recent NASA results. Weather and time permitting, the session will conclude with an Observatory trip to use binoculars and telescopes to observe the winter sky.

    The program fee is $20, $15 for Museum members, and is open to adults and children ages 8 and above. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Advance registration is required. For further information visit or call 860.486.4460.

    The Connecticut State Museum of Natural History and Physics Department are part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UConn. Find us on Facebook.

    For more information, contact: Natural History Museum at 860.486.4460