Student Activities

  • Virtual Reality Interaction Test

    Study participants needed!

    We are recruiting participants for testing new methods for interacting with virtual objects in 3D! The study will take place at UCONN Storrs campus. We are looking for right handed participants between the ages of 18 and 40.

    This study would require about 75 minutes of your time.  By participating in the study you help the development of the next generation human computer interfaces. Such interfaces will allow us to use natural hand gestures to manipulate virtual objects in a similar manner in which we manipulate physical objects!

    In this research study you will be asked to perform 28 trials to assemble and push different virtual objects using your natural hand gestures.

    If you decide to participate you will receive a payment of $10 for your contribution.
    For more information please contact Frol Periverzov:


    This research is conducted under the direction of Professor Horea Ilies, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
    The current protocol has been approved by the UConn IRB on 09/11/2015,  Protocol # H15-266

    For more information, contact: Frol Periverzov at