Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 9/23 Statistics Colloquium, Prof. Vivekananda Roy


    Statistics Colloquium

    University of Connecticut

    Storrs, Connecticut


    The Department of Statistics Cordially invites you to a Colloquium


    Vivekananda Roy

    Department of Statistics

    Iowa State University

    Ames, Iowa


    Estimating standard errors for importance sampling

    estimators with multiple Markov chains






    The naive importance sampling (IS) estimator, based on samples from a single importance density, can be numerically unstable. We consider multiple distributions IS estimators where samples from more than one probability distribution are combined to consistently estimate means with respect to given target distributions. These generalized IS estimators
    provide more stable estimators than naive IS estimators. We consider the Markov chain Monte Carlo context, where independent samples are replaced with Markov chains. If these Markov chains converge to their respective target distributions at a polynomial rate, then under two finite moment conditions, we show that a central limit theorem holds for the IS estimators. Further, we develop an easy to implement consistent method to calculate valid asymptotic standard errors based on the batch means (BM) methods. We also provide a BM estimator for calculating asymptotically valid standard errors of   Geyer (1994)'s reverse logistic estimator. We illustrate the   method with an application in Bayesian variable selection in linear   regression. In particular, the multi-chain IS   estimator is used to perform empirical Bayes variable selection and   the BM estimator is used to obtain standard errors in the large p situation where current methods are not applicable.



    DATE:  Wednesday, September 23, 2015

    TIME:  4:00 p.m.

    PLACE: AUST 105

    Coffee at 3:30 in AUST 326

    For more information, contact: Tracy Burke at