The Center for Behavioral Education & Research at UConn is hosting the 4th Annual Northeast PBIS Network Leadership Forum May 21-22, 2015 at the Mystic Marriot Hotel & Spa in Groton, Conn.
Educators and interested individuals are welcome to attend, in order to develop a professional Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS) network that will enhance our capacity to work smarter and more effectively on PBIS framework implementation in the northeast states.
Featured keynotes include:
- "Managing Challenging Students: Effective Teaching Behavior" with Terry Scott from the University of Louisville
- "Integrating School Mental Health and PBIS to Promote Student Success" with Sharon Stephan from the University of Maryland
Content strands include:
- PBIS Implementation
- School-Wide PBIS
- Class-Wide PBIS
- Advanced Tiers (Tiers 2 and 3)
- Linking to Academic Systems
- Integrating Mental Health
- Special Topics
The Northeast PBIS Network Forum is a new and exciting regional opportunity for PBIS leaders and implementers in the northeast states (CT, DE, MA, ME. NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) to learn, share, refine, and discuss their implementation experiences. An advisory board of state level implementers provides guidance on the selection, content, and focus of program sessions. Support from the OSEP National Center on PBIS permits the forum planning team to focus on presenters who are teachers, administrators, researchers, parents, and students and who are interested in the free sharing of ideas, materials, practices, and systems.
For more information and to register, visit
For more information, contact: Nancy Gianetti at