Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 1/13 OVPR Commercialization Event-Healthcare Solutions

    Please join us for
    Healthcare Solution Night

    January 13, 2015
    UCHC, EG013 (ARB large conference room) 
    263 Farmington Ave
    Farmington, CT 

    A night aimed at connecting Healthcare Practitioners, Entrepreneurs and Engineers, to find innovative solutions to problems in the healthcare arena. 

     Clinicians, share problems you've encountered in your practices with your colleagues and entrepreneurial graduate students (4 mins, plus Q&A). Teams that are formed to find commercially-viable solutions to the problems presented will be eligible to compete for Proof-of-Concept funds administered by the Office of the Vice President for Research.

    Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research Technology Commercialization Services.

    For more information, contact: Jessica McBride at 860-679-7893 or