Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 12/5 UConn Choirs Presents Brahms's A German Requiem

    Tonight at 8pm the UConn Concert Choir and Festival Choir will join forces to perform Johannes Brahms’s beloved masterwork, Die deutsches Requiem.  Brahms’s Requiem is in German as opposed to the traditional Requiem in Latin. It is sacred but non-liturgical, and Brahms steadfastly refused to include any Christian dogma. It is a large-scale choral work consisting of seven movements with a soprano and a baritone soloist.  Director of the UConn Voice Area and perennial Connecticut favorite, Dr. Constance Rock, will be featured as the soprano soloist, and UConn’s newest voice faculty member, bass-baritone Rod Nelman of the Metropolitan Opera, will be the baritone soloist. This performance will be presented using Brahms’s own accompaniment written for piano four-hands featuring pianists Allan Conway and Mo Tian expanded with bass viol and timpani.   

    The conducting duties will be shared for this performance by Dr. Jamie Spillane, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies and Jonathan Harvey, UConn doctoral student and director of the UConn Festival Chorus.  The concert will be held at von der Mehden Recital Hall located at 875 Coventry Road across from Mirror Lake on the UConn campus.  Plenty of free parking is conveniently located across the street on campus in Lot 1. Admission is $10.00 and free for students.  

    For more information, contact: Kirk Matson at