Student Activities

  • 12/7 Midnight Breakfast

    Greetings, Student Affairs Colleagues!

    Midnight Breakfast is one of UConn’s most anticipated traditions, and we hope that you will be able to volunteer at this semester’s event. 

    • Sunday, December 7
    • 8:30 pm-Volunteers meet in Student Union Room 303
    • The actual event is 9:30-11:30 pm in the Student Union

    ABOUT MIDNIGHT BREAKFAST:  Through the work of Dining Services, the Student Union, Student Activities, and staff volunteers from around the University, we are able to provide UConn students with a hot meal and a study break before final exams.  Students can have their favorite foods served to them by their faculty/staff members and advisors, listen to live entertainment, get a massage, and relax with their peers before the start of the exam period.  Midnight Breakfast has drawn thousands of students and hundreds of volunteers for over 10 years.

    WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE!  Your support is vital to the success of this event.  We count on volunteers to serve food to students and keep traffic flowing throughout the Student Union.  Those who have volunteered in the past can attest to the fact that the experience is not only exciting, but rewarding as well. We invite you to volunteer and join us at this event.  

    TO RSVP AS A VOLUNTEER: Call: 486-3423 or Email: by Tuesday, December 2ndQuestions? Contact Eric Bouchard, Student Activities Programs Office.

    Thank you, in advance,  for your support of this UConn tradition.   We look forward to seeing you in the “U” on Sunday, December 7th!



    Elly and Christine

    Eleanor Daugherty, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

    Christine Wilson, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of Student Activities

    For more information, contact: Eric Bouchard at