Special Events and Receptions

  • Toiletry Drive for Domestic Violence Shelter




    Dear UConn Faculty,

         In light of the giving season, starting on Wednesday November 19th the Nursing 1110 class will be collecting toiletries in the Widmer Wing of the UConn School of Nursing (Storrs Hall).  This assignment is a function of our Social Justice project.  As future nurses, we see caring and advocating for others and the needs of the community as an important part of our duty.  The donations will be brought to a woman's shelter in Willimantic. The shelter serves as a refuge for women and children who have fallen victim to domestic violence and abuse. As even the smallest donation can make a difference, we will accept any toiletry product hotel size and up.

    Thank you for your time and consideration,

    -Nursing 1110 Section 2

    Contact Information:


    For more information, contact: Lisa Marie Griffiths/ Uconn School of Nursing at lisa-marie.griffiths@uconn.edu