Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • Apply to FYE Conference on First Year Innovation

    First Year Programs invites you to present at the Annual Conference on First Year Innovation! The conference will be held in Storrs on Wednesday, May 14th. 

    The Annual Conference for First Year Innovation brings people together from across UConn to share about, and learn from, our work supporting students in transition. In honor of the First Year Experience Program’s 25th anniversary, the conference will focus on rethinking transitions across the first year as they are experienced by today’s students and the ways in which we are innovating practice to support them as a truly “student-ready” university.  

    We invite faculty, staff, and graduate students to submit proposals for 50-minute interactive sessions related to innovation and the first year student experience. The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, March 31st. 

    Please find the full Call for Proposals (CFP) and additional information on the Conference website.

    We encourage you to share this announcement with colleagues who might be interested. 

    If you have any questions, feel free to email us at  

    For more information, contact: First Year Programs at