Training and Professional Development

  • Today: Managing & Facilitating Your Online Course Webinar

    Managing & Facilitating Your Online Course - Webinar presented by CETL eCampus

    Friday, March 14
    10–11 am
    Online (link sent to registered participants)
    Register via FINS

    Description: The Course Facilitation Plan (CFP) is a to-do list that outlines the key steps to take before, during, and after your course implementation, presented in the recurring course life-cycle. This webinar will recognize the four roles of an online instructor while reviewing key aspects of the CFP checklist. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss checklist items and customize their own CFP. Preview the Course Facilitation Plan here:

    Audience: While this webinar focuses on Online Asynchronous (OA) courses, many of the principles may apply to Online Synchronous (OS) courses. Instructors teaching any modality are welcome to attend.

    Topics Not Covered: This webinar will not cover HuskyCT "how tos" — those topics are covered in Ed Tech's workshops on HuskyCT. While this webinar will touch upon ways to increase social connection in the course, it is in the context of overall online teaching best practice. We have a separate webinar dedicated to "Creating Presence and Meaningful Engagement in Online Courses" (see for dates).

    Note: The webinar will not be recorded.


    For more information, contact: Kelsey Keefe at