Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities * University of Connecticut
Call for Learning Community Faculty Directors, UConn-Storrs faculty may apply
The Learning Community Program is seeking current UConn faculty member applicants to fill the role of Faculty Director for one of the following dynamic Living/Learning Communities:
First Gen House | Global House | Human Rights & Action House
Each directorship is proposed as a 10-month appointment. Learning Community (LC) Faculty Directors report to the Executive Director of the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities. Effective date of appointment is August of this year and is typically for a 3-year term.
Learning Communities are high-impact academic programs designed to engage and support first- and second-year undergraduate students by integrating coursework, co-curricular activities, and exploration of 21st-century global challenges. These communities provide transformative educational experiences that promote student success and well-being. Students in Living/Learning Communities reside together on one or more floors in a Residence Hall, they have access to a Community Room, they take courses together and engage in activities designed to build community and a sense of belonging.
First Gen House – Founding Faculty Director. First Gen House will celebrate and support UConn’s growing population of first-generation students—those who are the first in their families to pursue a baccalaureate degree. As Founding Faculty Director, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the community’s academic and social culture, offering a supportive environment for students as they navigate their university journey. The role will involve integrating academic learning with co-curricular experiences that promote student success, well-being, and resilience, with a focus on first-generation identity. This is an exciting opportunity to help establish and cultivate a community that makes a lasting impact. Residence Hall Location: Northwest/Russell Hall
Global House – Faculty Director. Global House is an interdisciplinary LC that fosters the global awareness, cultural identity, and community-building of its residents. Housing domestic and international students—including international degree-seeking and exchange students—Global House promotes intercultural exchange and dialogue while engaging students in academic coursework and extracurricular activities. The Faculty Director will oversee the integration of global themes in the academic curriculum, support community-building initiatives, and guide students as they explore global perspectives through coursework, hands-on experiences, and cultural exchange. Residence Hall Location: McMahon Hall, South Tower
Human Rights & Action (HR&A) House – Faculty Director. HR&A House is an interdisciplinary LC that emphasizes human rights education, community action, and active citizenship. Engaging first- and second-year students across disciplines, HR&A helps students develop knowledge of human rights issues at local, national, and global levels. The Faculty Director will oversee courses, while fostering student engagement in service experiences and community action projects that contribute to meaningful change. Residence Hall Location: Alumni/Eddy Hall
The primary responsibility of the Faculty Director is to provide leadership and vision for the LC. Key duties:
- Design a transformative educational experience that helps students transition to college, helps them navigate resources and opportunities, and fosters confidence and support-seeking behaviors. Promote deeper understanding of community’s theme, build strong mentoring relationships, track student success, and provide targeted interventions as needed.
- Lead the LC Team which provides layers of mentoring to community members. The team may include Graduate Assistant(s), Faculty/Staff Partners, and student leaders (LC Floor Mentors, LC FYE Mentors) and will collaborate with the Residence Hall Director and Resident Assistants. Facilitate bi-weekly LC Team meetings, mentor and develop student leaders, and organize monthly community events to engage all LC members.
- Develop a 2-year curriculum; teaching at least 2 course sections each semester and overseeing the instruction of all sections (with ~20 students per section). This role emphasizes faculty engagement with first-year students.
- LC FYE (First Year Experience): UNIV 1810, 1-credit, offered in Fall & Spring
- LC Sophomore Seminar: UNIV 3820, 1-credit, offered in Fall & Spring
- Oversee the planning and execution of co-curricular enrichment activities, projects, and events, and actively participate in community events.
- Promote student involvement in UConn initiatives that align with the community’s theme.
- Attend meetings and events held by the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities and participate in LC recruitment activities.
- Involve students in hands-on projects at the UConn Innovation Zone (IZone) makerspace, where they can learn to use various tools.
- Seek funding and other support to enhance program initiatives.
- Submit an annual report and assess the effectiveness of the program.
This is an internal search at UConn. Applicants should be tenured/tenure-track, full-time faculty (individuals in other types of faculty positions may be considered). The ideal candidate will demonstrate a commitment to building community and enriching undergraduate education, including a willingness and ability to meet with and advise students, and regularly engage with them outside of class in social and experiential activities. The role requires relevant interdisciplinary research or teaching interests, excellent communication skills, and the ability to strategically network. Enthusiasm for building and sustaining a high-quality program that impacts student success is essential. The Faculty Director will collaborate closely with the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities, the Institute for Student Success, Residential Life, and other offices, committees, and individuals dedicated to enhancing undergraduate enrichment and advancing UConn initiatives related to the theme of this LC.
A 10-month appointment is compensated as an additional month of salary (paid throughout the year); other matters to be discussed. *Compensation variables may depend on an individual’s faculty position contract.
Email letter of application, current CV, and contact information for 3 references, including “Director Search” in subject line. Be sure to indicate which LC Faculty Directorship you wish to be considered for (First Gen, Global, or Human Rights & Action House). Questions can be directed to Melissa Foreman.
Learning Communities as High Impact Practice:
UConn 2024-2034 Strategic Plan:
For more information, contact: Melissa Foreman at