Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Healthy Volunteers Needed

    The Clinical Research Center invites you to join our Healthy Volunteer Registry (HVR) program, which helps us recruit for CRC-supported studies  and  other  activities, such as calibrating equipment.

    Healthy adults 18 years of age and older are invited to participate. The HVR is a program that will store your contact information and demographics. The HVR will use this information to contact you for recruitment purposes only.

    Participation in the HVR   is   entirely  voluntary. If   you  choose  to register, the information you provide will be kept confidential. If you want to learn about opportunities to participate in CRC-supported research or other activities, please complete the following survey by following the link provided. We want to thank you for taking the time to consider participating.

    Principal Investigator: Dr. Jonathan Covault, MD  Tel: (860) 679-7560 IRB#25-018-2

    Email: Megyn Clement OR Paul Appleton

    For more information, contact: Megyn Clement/Clinical Research Center at 860.679.1751/