Research, Funding, and Awards

  • IBACS Seed Grant Application

    The Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS) spring 2025 seed grant application is now open. Seed Grants provide funding to eligible affiliates for interdisciplinary projects and research initiatives consistent with the IBACS mission. Successful applications typically involve collaborations that require expertise across laboratories and traditional disciplinary boundaries. IBACS prioritizes projects that will provide pilot data in support of applications for external funding and publications. Seed funding is intended to support direct research costs such as supplies, participant fees, animal costs, and student support. Applicants are strongly advised submit efficient budgets to maximize the number of projects we are able to fund. Please submit letters of intent as soon as possible, but at least 2 weeks prior to the seed grant application deadline (by 3/18/25), to allow time for review and feedback prior to submission of the full proposal. 


    Open to: Faculty and postdoctoral affiliates 


    Key Application Dates: Large awards (>$10K) spring deadline: April 1, 2025.


    Please note an important change for the academic year: Unfortunately, UCHC has pulled their financial contribution to IBACS for the 24/25 year due to budget cuts. As a result, we will be requiring that all proposals with a UCH investigator also have PIs with a Storrs collaborator. We hope this will change as we negotiate future support from UCHC.  


    For full details on the seed grant program, including the letter of intent application, full seed grant application, and allowable costs, please check our seed grant webpage


    Any questions should be directed to the Institute Coordinator, Crystal Mills at


    The Institute is always looking to expand our base of University affiliates, helping researchers network and connect to generate collaborative research.  If you know of others in your department not yet affiliated with the Institute, please share the benefits of affiliation with them!

    For more information, contact: Crystal Mills at