Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Musicians Age 45-60 in Research Study

    Volunteers wanted for a research study on musical training, noise exposure, hearing, and brain function.

    We want to understand how noise exposure and musical training affects hearing and brain function as people age. Participants will take part in a two-week study. Participation will including hearing assessments, measures of brain function, and noise exposure assessments. To assess daily noise exposure, participants will wear a small device for 2 weeks that measures exposure to music/noise across daily listening activities and complete a journal on their activities.

    To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

    • Be between 18-24 years of 45-60 years of age
    • Be a native English speaker
    • Have normal hearing
    • Have at least six years of musical training or ensemble/group experience
    • Be in good medical health

    Participation will require travel to the Phillips Communication Sciences Building on the Storrs Campus of the University of Connecticut for two testing sessions (each lasting ~ 2-2.5 hours).

    If interested, follow this link to find out if you meet the study eligibility criteria.

    This research is conducted through IRB # H22-0060, under the direction of Dr. Erika Skoe of the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Department.

    For more information, contact: Auditory Brain Research Lab at