Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Recruiting Faculty to Design Assessment Modules

    The university has recently received funding from the Davis Educational Foundation for a multi-year project, called UConn Advancing Structural Consistency through Educational Networks and Design (UASCEND). This university wide, multi-campus project will support expanding faculty and academic program development of student-centric learning-objectives; alignment of assessment measures to objectives; design of common rubrics; and design of integrative, longitudinal, and standardized assessment measures.  


    To facilitate this, a professional development curriculum consisting of modules delivered through mixed modalities will be created. Modules include the role of assessment in student success, defining learning objectives, aligning assessment measures/instrumentation with learning objectives, developing longitudinal or capstone experiences, developing rubrics, data literacy, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Each module will be designed to facilitate peer-to-peer engagement among participants throughout module activities and deliverables and through consultations with designers and peer assessment leaders. 


    To support this project, the Office of Academic Program Assessment is seeking faculty to serve as developers of educational modules. Selected faculty will be responsible for creating resources, including but not limited to videos, discussions, and deliverables, with the anticipation that they will serve as the instructor of the module in the pilot. Module development will be completed during the spring 2025 semester in advance of a pilot in fall 2025. Module developers will be provided with a stipend up to $3000 (based on the length of the module and whether the module is co-developed). Stipends will be payable after module development of a module in alignment with the grant objectives by the established deadlines. A stipend of up to $1500 (based on the length of the module and whether the module is co-taught) will be provided, payable after delivering the pilot during the fall semester. Selected faculty should anticipate meeting the grant leaders weekly during the development and delivery process. Based on the applicant pool, one or more faculty will be selected to singularly or collaboratively develop and teach the module. 


    Faculty interested in serving as a developer and instructor are encouraged to complete an application: 


    Additional details about the project are available at: 


    To learn more, potential applicants are invited to join us for an informational session on January 3rd at 10:30. To register: 


    Applications will be accepted through January 13th. Decisions will be announced by January 22nd. 

    For more information, contact: Lauren Schlesselman at