Training and Professional Development

  • Today: Public Summit on Preventing Sexual Harassment

    10:30 am - 5:30 pm EST on Tuesday, October 15 and 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Wednesday, October 16, 2024

    The Public Summit of the National Academies’ Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education is an open forum for those in the higher education ecosystem to collaboratively identify, discuss, and elevate innovative and promising approaches for addressing and preventing sexual harassment. This two-day event builds on the research findings and recommendations in the 2018 National Academies Report on Sexual Harassment of Women and on discussions at past annual Summits. It brings together a diverse group, including members and partner network organizations of the Action Collaborative, the broader higher education community, sexual violence and harassment researchers, sexual harassment response practitioners, grassroots and nonprofit organizations, public and private foundations, and federal and state policymakers.

    This annual event will feature a combination of panel discussions, expert presentations, and a poster session through which attendees can share research and novel ideas and practices currently being explored or implemented. Sessions at this year's Public Summit will include:

    • Is Collective Bargaining the Answer? New Approaches to Adjudication of Sexual Harassment Complaints in Recent Graduate Student Labor Agreements
    • Institutional Responses to Sexual Harassment: A Discussion of How They Go Wrong and How Institutional Leaders Can Do Better and Practice Institutional Courage 
    • Pursuing a Culture of Professionalism and Respect Through Infrastructure, Leadership Commitment, and Trust
    • Approaches to Supportive Reporting Policies in the Era of Mandatory Reporting and Responsible Employees
    • Challenges in Implementing a Multi-Modal Intervention to Address Sexual Harassment
    • Helping Leaders Create Cultures and Climates that Prevent Sexual Harassment
    • You have the Data, Now What? Insights into Communicating About Climate Data 

    Additional information about the speakers for these sessions is availible on the virtual summit platform and will be added before the event.

    Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education: 2023 Public Summit (

    For more information, contact: NASEM Action Collaborative at