Technology and Computing

  • Faculty: Check Files Before Google Account Deleted

    UConn Faculty: If you had a UConn Google Drive, ITS recommends that you check for and address any file migration issues before accounts start being deleted the week of October 7th.

    • Address File Migration Errors: If some of your files and their features did not migrate properly, you would have received a message with the subject line: Action Required for Google Drive Migration. This email contains information about the issue(s) and how to fix them.
    • Manage Shared Drives: Files in Shared Drives (team storage on Google) were migrated to one of the owner’s OneDrive. If Shared Drive files are now in your OneDrive, please be sure to share them again with your colleagues or move them to a departmental SharePoint site. If the Shared Drive files are in another owner’s OneDrive, ask them to reshare the files with you.
    • Find Files Shared with You: Files that others shared with you but that weren’t saved in your Drive did not migrate to your OneDrive. While you still have access to your UConn Google account, create a record of files shared with you. You can use this information to ask colleagues to re-share the files or, if the file has not been deleted, open it and export a copy to your OneDrive.
    • Update Your Login: If you use your UConn Google account to log into any other web sites or services, update your login method for those services. If you are unsure of linked services, log into your UConn Google account and then visit


    For more information, contact: Technology Support Center at