Research, Funding, and Awards

  • IBACS Undergrad Research Awards

    Please share this announcement with your undergraduate students.

    This award provides funding for undergraduate students conducting an independent research project consistent with the Institute’s mission. Students can apply for awards of up to $1,000.  

    Open to: Undergraduate students working with an IBACS-affiliated faculty member . Recipients cannot apply for another grant within the same academic year, however, are eligible for the summer research grant program, provided that they are still a UConn student at the time. 

    Key Application Dates: opens on August 26, 2024. The fall deadline is September 16, 2024; spring deadline is February 4, 2025.  

    Application Link:

    Applicants must fill out the online application, and also submit via the online application, a relatively short research plan (maximum of 6,000 characters, approximately 3 pages). The funding is meant to defray the research-related costs such as materials & supplies, software, animal or participant-related costs. The budget should reflect these expenditures.

    The IBACS undergraduate award academic year applications are reviewed based on the following criteria:

    • The project description is well written and clearly explains the project.
    • The project clearly focuses on a research area associated with the IBACS mission.
    • The budget is itemized, appropriate to the project described, and reports the total cost of the project (even if it exceeds the funding requested).
    • The faculty advisor is familiar with the student’s project and rates the student’s work to date highly. 
    • The student and his/her project meet the eligibility criteria.
    • The student has secured research compliance approval(s) if necessary for the project. No award will be issued until documentation of approval(s) is received.


    Please visit the award webpage for more information and contact our Institute Coordinator, Crystal Mills at or (860) 486-4937 if you have any questions. 

    For more information, contact: IBACS at