Instructions for completing and forwarding Classified Performance Appraisals in 2020
The University is maintaining the timeline for Classified Performance Appraisals. Supervisors must complete all employee evaluations between August 1 and September 15.
The Classified Performance Appraisal (PA) forms are found on the HR Website.
The Guide to Classified Performance Appraisals can be found at
For more information, contact: Labor Relations by email.
Please note, the process has changed this year in response to Covid-19. Submitting the forms will all be done electronically. Paper copies will not be accepted.
At a later date, when the University is able to resume normal operations, department processors will be contacted to aide Labor Relations in obtaining PA’s with signatures, for placement in the official personnel files housed in HR.
NOTE: Any overall “Unsatisfactory” PA must be discussed with a staff member of the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations (Labor Relations) before it is issued. Please contact Labor Relations at:
Please follow the following steps:
Step 1. The supervisor completes the PA.
Step 2. The supervisor types their name in the “Rated By” box, adds their title and dates the PA. They then email, and attach PA they have “signed”, to the Dean, Director or Dept Head or designated command staff for Public Safety.
Step 3. The Dean, Director, or Dept. Head types their name into the ‘Reviewed By” box, adds their title and dates the PA.
Step 4. Prior to the employee signing the form, the supervisor emails the “Rated By” and “Reviewed By” PA to the department processor. The department processor will supply all PAs collected to Labor Relations for approval and data entry, using for this purpose name each PA as follows:
More information will be forthcoming regarding the specific process and utilization of Filelocker.
Labor Relations will review the PA and suggest changes if necessary. Labor Relations will sign the forms in the “Approved By” box. An LR approved copy will be returned to the department processor/supervisor for meeting with employee.
Step 5. When the supervisor receives the PA back from Labor Relations the supervisor and the employee meet to review the PA. The meeting may be virtual (via conference call or web meeting) or may be in person.
a) If it was a virtual meeting the employee shall:
Type or sign their name in the “Employee” signature box, ensure they fill in the date near their names, email the PA back to their supervisor, including in the email body the following statement: “I am returning my signed and dated performance appraisal and I certify that I have reviewed this evaluation with my supervisor.”
b) If it was an in-person meeting: (Please observe social distancing and other safety precautions)
If the supervisor and the employee have an in-person meeting they may sign and date the paper copy PA in the appropriate boxes.
Step 6. The supervisor then emails the fully “signed” PA document to their designated department processor, with a copy to the employee. Once all expected PAs are collected, processors will prepare them for forwarding to Labor Relations via filelocker, named as follows:
prior to October 1.
The supervisor shall retain a copy of the email containing the statement noted above from each employee, along with a copy of the attached PA, in their supervisory records.*
Failure to complete the evaluation with the employee may result in a delay in processing the employee’s FY21 salary adjustments.
Questions should be referred to Labor Relations at:
* The emails should be one continuous thread per individual employee for continuity whenever possible.
For more information, contact: Labor Relations at 860-486-5684