Meeting the Moment: Teaching and Learning Considerations for Fall 2024
August 20, 10:00 -2:00, IPB 317
The contexts for our teaching change constantly, and so do the contexts that shape students’ lives. CETL’s Faculty Development staff invite you to gather with other faculty to network and reflect on teaching. Open to all faculty, with a special invitation to new instructors.
10:00 – 11:00 Identifying the moment
We will offer semi-structured discussions and reflection prompts about questions like:
Where are we now in teaching/learning/higher education/knowing our students?
Why is your class important?
Why should students attend and engage?
What is the big idea of your course?
What about a course that you and the students don't choose (i.e., required) - what is the value of the course?
11:00 – 12:00 Focus on Generative AI in teaching and learning
Faculty will share perspectives on generative AI in teaching and learning. What do we need to know, think about, and do in our courses? Examples of assignments incorporating generative AI will be offered to prompt discussion with other instructors.
12:00—1:00 Lunch (provided by CETL)
1:00 – 2:00 How do I meet the moment by understanding today’s students better?
Information about current cohorts of students in higher education nationwide will be shared, including perspectives on pandemic impacts, wellness, demographics, and neurodiversity. Ways to promote strengths-based, equity-minded teaching will be shared.
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For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at